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CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment

CISI : Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Examination

24 Tests, 1000+ Questions
18 Unit Tests and 6 Full Length Tests

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  • Nisha given rating 4 out of 5 on ISI - Practice Test - 1
  • Nisha given rating 4 out of 5 on ISI - Practice Test - 2
  • Nisha given rating 4 out of 5 on ISI - Practice Test - 1

CISI : Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Examination

Certificate for Introduction to Securities and Investment (Cert ISI): Provides an overview of all areas of investment and the role of financial services in the UK. The certification has been specially focused for those who are new to the global investment industry. This course helps in developing key skills and knowledge in economic environment including an introduction to financial services with an emphasis on investment. The qualification is the part of the Investment Operations Certificate (IOC). This certificate ensures that candidates have a sound understanding of the investment industry as they start their careers.

Key features

  • A comprehensive entry-level qualification - provides a detailed overview of investment and industry terminology from a UK perspective.
  • First step in the CISI's qualification pathway - can be taken as a stand-alone qualification or as part of the Investment Operations Certificate (IOC).
  • Ideal for induction purposes - can be integrated into induction programmes to ensure a benchmark level of understanding amongst all employees.
  • Free CISI Student membership - become associated with a Chartered professional body and take advantage of an extensive range of benefits.

It explores the broader economic environment in which the financial services industry operates and looks at how economic activity is determined and managed in different economic and political systems.

Distribution of weights of the CISI - Introduction to Securities & Investment Curriculum

Chapter No.TitleWeights(%)
1 Financial services industry 4
2 Economic environment 6
3 Financial Assets & Markets 10
4 Equities 16
5 Bonds 10
6 Derivatives 8
7 Investment Funds 14
8 Financial Services Regulation 12
9 Taxation, investment wrappers and trusts 12
10 Other retail financial products 6
11 Financial Advice 2

CISI - Introduction to Securities & Investment Certification Exam Details

Name of Module: CISI - Introduction to Securities & Investment Certification Examination

 Test Fees 
 Test Duration  
(in minutes)
No. of
Maximum Marks  Pass Marks (%)   Certificate Validity  
(in years)
 Negative Marking 
122 60 50 50 70 Life Time n/a

This unit is assessed through a one-hour exam of 50 multiple-choice questions. The exam is delivered by computer based testing (CBT), using CISI software.

CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Examination: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can take CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Examination?

The following persons can take CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Examination:

a. Intended for new entrants and staff who are beginning their career in the financial services industry .

b. Interested students/professionals

c. Any other individuals, who wants to enter in financial services industry

2. How can I register for CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Examination?

1 : Register online at cisi.org/register

2 : Register through Accredited Training Partner for Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments (CISI, UK)

Why Intelivisto?

Intelivisto has emerged as a leading corporate training provider to global institutions like Goldman Sachs, Nomura, Morgan Stanley, Accenture, HSBC, Equiniti and many more on regular basis to train hundreds of their professionals on areas like Global Security Operations, Risk Management, Derivatives Operations, UK Financial Regulations, Compliance, AML & KYC, Wealth Management, Platforms, OTC Derivatives, Trade Life Cycle, etc.

We are the largest active Accredited Training Partner for Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments (CISI, UK) in the region and are also a proud member of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

Known as the best-ever emergent online assessment portals in India, the company is fully engaged to present good-quality online test preparation, study material, question bank, mock tests, test papers, practice tests, sample papers to its students. Available 24x7, this online educational portal is committed to assist its students to have an access, use, store, retrieve and use again the required content that enable them to mark best in their exams. This online e-learning platform has its presence to avail questions and answers with the very clarifications prepared by our experts. Also this online platform conforms to a diversity of convenience principles that make sure for learners may take part fully in online courses.

At Intelivisto, its question bank gives users the real time exposure of the CISI certifications such as CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification, etc. This e-learning system lets to effectual management, records, tracking, and coverage of e-learning programs and teaching content.

Intelivisto has come with a vision to give its users a centralized and mechanized administration of data that can be used through self-service and self-guided services. All in all, the company comes with well-organized learning management system intended to improve and to support classroom teaching to a larger number of learners all across the globe for financial services industry Exams.

Intelivisto features of the CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment Certification Practice Tests :

    Intelivisto features

  • Designed as per parameters put by top securities market institute CISI.
  • Holds 18 unit practice tests and 6 full length practice tests (in total 24 tests).
  • Includes over 1000+ questions.
  • Each test has 3 attempts.
  • Takes the similar pattern and testing mechanism as put for CISI online tests.
  • Covers the different topics drawn for CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment certification in small details.
  • Get online tests and examine your performance with comprehensive report at a microscopic level with our evaluation tools.
  • Get in depth knowledge of CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment through our trainings and workshops by market professionals and build up essential trading plans effortlessly.

How to Begin?

Here at Intelivisto, you get ready to crack CISI - Introduction to Securities and Investment with confidence. So, we would be more than happy to give you all assistance in your attempt to not only get the certification but also to outfit you with the necessary skills-set. If you wish to obtain practice test, you may do so after registering with us, which is completely free of charge and afterwards you could access our diverse product categories and receive particular product's mock test.

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ISI test is a great help for professionals. Question in test module are updated and accordance with CISI.

- Aandre , Student

Thanks to you guys for helping me in getting ISI certification. Intelivisto online test module is really worth buying

- Manisha, Student

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