FMS selection will be done on basis of CAT 2011 this year

Category: MBA Admissions,  News Source: TNN,  Updated-On: Sep 7 2011
6 SEP, 2011, 10.42AM IST,TNN 
New Delhi: Selections for the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) will be done through Common Admission Test (CAT) 2011 this year. The decision comes in the wake of refusal by Delhi University (DU) to help FMS conduct the entrance test scheduled for December 4, 2011. 

The B-school which was loath to join CAT decided to do so on Monday under the "given circumstances" . The teachers and a section of students feel that joining CAT will dent the institute's image and affect its brand value. 

The entrance test for FMS became a bone of contention after DU on August 25 communicated to FMS that "the university has decided that it will not be able to help FMS in conducting its entrance test on December 04, 2011, as the university is severely strained by the burden it has to bear because departments are conducting their own examination on a national basis." 

Further, the university advised FMS to join any wellknown agency/ body which conducts admission test in the field of management such as CAT. 

An emergency meeting was convened on August 29 where 22 faculty members deliberated on the issue. The B-school decided not to join CAT and approach the university again to continue with the present arrangement for at least one more year, and be allowed to join GRE/ GMAT.
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