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IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Certification Exam

IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Certification Examination

22 Tests, 850+ Questions
16 Unit Tests and 6 Full Length Tests

Pass IC-33 exam & become a Life Insurance Agent

INR 999

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  • Ankit Gupta Taken Basic Life Insurance Products-Trial Tests
  • MUPPANA JAYA PRAKASH Taken Claims-Trial Tests
  • padmashripriya210 priya Taken IC-33 Full Length Test-Trial Tests
  • padmashripriya210 priya Taken Basic Life Insurance Products-Trial Tests
  • ACQUEST Taken IC-33 Full Length Test-Trial Tests
  • ACQUEST Taken Basic Life Insurance Products-Trial Tests
  • Ankit Gupta given rating 4 out of 5 on Basic Life Insurance Products-Trial
  • MUPPANA JAYA PRAKASH given rating 3 out of 5 on Claims-Trial
  • padmashripriya210 priya given rating 5 out of 5 on IC-33 Full Length Test-Trial
  • padmashripriya210 priya given rating 4 out of 5 on Basic Life Insurance Products-Trial

IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Certification Examination

IC-33 Pre-recruitment Qualification for Life Agents Study Text furnishes the aspirants with the useful knowledge, equipped skills-sets and consideration one needs to be licensed as a life insurance agent, and to present an expert, professional service in the life insurance industry. Specially, it intends to increase agent's ability to apply, in clients' interests, facts of the Indian insurance industry and its directives, and knowledge and consideration of key life insurance and other financial products.

The IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority) forms rules for the conduct of business, sets competency principles and otherwise does its best to make sure that the high standards that are necessary by the law are met. The IRDA manages the provisions of the Insurance Act including registration, licensing and laying down regulations for the proper conduct of the business and the protection of the interests of policy holders.

Distribution of weights of the IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Exam

Chapter No. TitleWeights(%)
1 How The Insurance Markets Operates 3
2 Risk and Insurance 3
3 Insurance Principles & Practices 9
4 Insurance Underwriting 4
5 Basic Life Insurance Products 2
6 Savings Products 5
7 Other Key Financial Products 4
8 Identifying Client Needs 3
9 The Fact-find and Financial Planning 2
10 Good Client Practice 4
11 Claims 4
12 Legislation and Client Advice 1

IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Certification Exam Details

Name of Module: IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Certification Examination

 Test Fees 
 Test Duration  
(in minutes)
No. of
Maximum Marks  Pass Marks (%)   Certificate Validity  
(in years)
 Negative Marking 
800 60 50 50 35 3 Not Applicable

IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Agents Certification Examination: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who conducts Agent Pre recruitment exam?

On behalf of IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and development Authority), Agent pre recruitment exam is conducted by Insurance Institute of India.

2. What is the eligibility Criteria for becoming Insurance Advisor?

Regulation 4 of the IRDA (licensing of Insurance Agents) Regulations, 2000 requires a Minimum qualification of a pass in 12th standard in case of urban areas and 10th Standard in case of rural areas if the population is less than 5000.

3. Can I work as Insurance agent for more than One Insurance Company?

NO. At present regulation stipulates that a person should work as Insurance Advisor and solicit Insurance business only for One Life Insurance Company and One General Insurance Company.

IRDA (IC-33) Life Insurance Articles, click here

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Intelivisto features of the IC-33 Pre-recruitment Qualification for Life Agents Practice Tests :

    Intelivisto features

  • Intended as per parameters set for actual IC-33 online test.
  • Each test has 2 attempts.
  • Hold the same pattern and testing mechanism as set for IC-33 online tests.
  • Obtain online tests and examine your performance with complete report at a microscopic level with our assessment tools.
  • Cover the different topics and subject matter outlined for IC-33 Pre-recruitment Qualification Exam for Life Agents in small details.
  • Get hold on in-depth knowledge of life insurance market through our complete question bank prepared by market professionals and expand useful knowledge of insurance market.

How to Begin?

At Intelivisto, steel yourself to crack IC-33 Pre-recruitment Qualification for Life Agents Exam with confidence. So, we would be happy more than to give you any help in your endeavor to not only find the life insurance agency but also to outfit you with the essential skills-set. If you wish to obtain mock test, you may act so after registering with us; which is completely free of charge and afterwards you could access our diverse product categories and receive particular products mock test.

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I work in Airlines company. I want to earn more and want to become Insurance advisor. For that i need to clear IRDA exam and my friend recommended Intelivisto for practise of exam. Its just AWSOME.
- IRDA Life Insurance

- Atin Rawat, Working professional

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