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Do Online casinos change the odds
Forum Index » Derivatives (Equity, Currency, Commodities)
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nelsons04 (IV011471801)

Messages: 140

I started playing blackjack with 100 dollars using the following betting strategy:
$1 bet, repeat if won
If loss, $1 bet again
If loss, $3 bet
If loss, $6 bet
If loss, $12 bet....and so on and so forth
As you can see, I'd have to lose 7 hands in a row to actually lose any money, otherwise, I would have gained $1. It works and my bank grows to about $250 after a couple hundred rounds. I kept a record of wins, losses, and pushes which were pretty what you'd expect.... win some lose some.
Suddenly, there were barely any wins and mostly 7, 8, 9 loss streaks. ( I put in an extra $100 and kept betting only $1). Mind you, I used the same blackjack chart (that tells you when to hit stand, split, etc.) the entire time.
Do you guys think they changed the odds, considering that if people used this, they could keep winning more? Especially, if you had more capital. For example, you'd have to lose 10 times in a row if you started with $800
I played on Parx.
weltenfeind (IV015090001)

Messages: 1

I remember trying something similar a while back and feeling like I was on top of the world when my bankroll started growing.

But then, like you, I hit a rough patch. It felt like every hand was a losing hand, and no matter what I did, I just couldn't catch a break. It's frustrating, especially when you're following all the rules and using a solid strategy.

As for the odds being changed, it's definitely possible. Casinos are always tweaking things to keep their edge, so it wouldn't surprise me if they adjusted the odds to counteract certain betting strategies. It's all about protecting their profits, after all.

If you're feeling a bit discouraged, maybe it's worth trying your luck at some online casinos like https://www.nettcasino.com/freespins/

They often offer great bonuses and promotions that can give you a little boost when you need it most.
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