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How do I reduce noise in my car?
Forum Index » Equity Market (IPOs, Fundamental & Technical Analysis)
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Met Certos (IV07731201)

Messages: 59

I have a problem with noise in my car and I don't know how to deal with it. My car makes a lot of noise all the time, especially on the highway. I looked for ways to reduce the noise, but nothing worked.
Maybe someone can share some tips? I'm even considering the idea of using a Sound Silencer, but I'm not sure if it's really effective. Share your experience please!
Katherine Pensatori (IV010879501)

Messages: 17

Hello! One simple way to reduce noise is to replace your tires with quieter models. Another key tip would be to use car accessories that will help reduce noise levels. You can install special mats or seat covers designed to control constant noise and vibration in the cabin. Also make sure that you don't have anything in the trunk that could rattle or create additional noise.
You can also use a sound deadener. Sound deadener is a special material that is installed in the cabin and on the body of the car to reduce external and internal noise. It typically consists of acoustic foam and aluminum foil to allow sounds to be heard and vibration to be reduced.
After installing this material on the doors, floors, and other interior surfaces, I noticed a decrease in road and wind noise. This is especially noticeable at high speeds over 70 mph.
Before you begin installing a sound suppressor, make sure you are using a reputable manufacturer and prepare the surface properly. This may provide relative time and progress, but the results will come at a cost.
Bill (IV07731101)

Messages: 64

Hey there, I totally get where you're coming from. Car noise can be a real nuisance. Here are a few things you can try to reduce it:

Tire Maintenance: Make sure your tires are properly inflated and in good condition. Underinflated or worn-out tires can contribute to road noise.
Check for Leaks: Inspect your car for any gaps or leaks, especially around doors and windows. Sometimes, simple weatherstripping or sealant can make a big difference.
Soundproofing Mats: You might want to consider installing automotive soundproofing mats, also known as sound deadeners. They can significantly reduce noise from both the road and the engine.
Use Quality Tires: If you have budget tires, consider upgrading to a higher-quality set that's designed for noise reduction.
Cabin Air Filter: Don't forget to change your cabin air filter regularly. A clogged filter can make your HVAC system work harder and increase noise.

Give these tips a shot, and hopefully, you'll notice an improvement in your car's noise levels.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 20/09/2023 22:14:59

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