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Messages posted by: Vanessa (IV07119301)
Forum Index » Profile for Vanessa (IV07119301) » Messages posted by Vanessa (IV07119301)
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This blog post delves into the fascinating use of AI in public transport, showcasing how this technology is transforming the way people commute. It highlights the various ways AI is being implemented, such as in route optimization, passenger safety, and predictive maintenance. The article offers valuable insights into the benefits of integrating AI into public transport systems, emphasizing efficiency, reliability, and passenger experience. Overall, a thought-provoking read on the future of transportation.
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A great article outlining the importance of Proof of Concept (PoC) in software development. It's crucial for validating ideas and mitigating risks before full-scale development. The real-life examples help clarify how PoCs save time and resources. Would love to see more on cost-benefit analysis for PoCs!
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