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Are visible tattoos unprofessional?
Forum Index » Equity Market (IPOs, Fundamental & Technical Analysis)
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Luka Waskes (IV07489401)

Messages: 397

Are visible tattoos unprofessional? Would a visible (but not extreme, i.e. facial) tattoo, such as one on a hand or emerging from a sleeve, count against someone you met in a professional context?
Luka Waskes (IV07489401)

Messages: 397

At a biological level it's a foreign body injury. Immediately after getting a tattoo there is pain, swelling, inflammation and many other of the bodies natural responses to such an injury. Except people don't treat this injury as something to be cured or fixed. Instead they want to override the bodies natural defense of expelling foreign bodies and keep the ink where it's at in their skin. When the tattoo finally “heals” the person goes on with their life but their bodies don't stop trying to fight against this injury. The body's immune system continues to fight the ink as if it were bacteria or a virus. Macrophages continuously attack the ink but don't really have much effect as tattoo ink is not bacteria. These macrophages instead end up forming a kind of barrier to try and keep the ink from “infecting” the rest of the body. Much in the same way a pimple fills with pus to isolate and expel a clog in the sebaceous gland, a similar reaction is taking place under the skin behind that tattoo where you can't see it from the outside. The only difference is that the tattoo is permanent, the immune system is simply not equipped to remove it from the body, at least not in any efficient way.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 18/09/2022 04:54:58

Xiaks (IV07431101)

Messages: 512

Hello! If you want to apply numbing cream before tattooing, you will need to check with your artist, as you will need to synchronize the time of application of the cream with when he gets the tattoo so that it does not wear off too soon. Also make sure they are happy that you are using it. Personally, I used Tattoo numbing cream and 3 hours of tattooing was painless.
Bambucha (IV010731201)

Messages: 308

When it comes to getting a mandala tattoo, what should you consider when choosing a design, location on your body, and tattoo artist to ensure you get the results you want and a quality job that meets your expectations?
Xiaks (IV07431101)

Messages: 512

When you are designing a mandala tattoo, the first step is to choose the design and location of your body for the tattoo. After that, you will need to find a good tattoo artist to realize your idea. It's important to find an experienced artist who understands your vision and can convey it in a tattoo, be sure to check out the TemporaryHipster blog. Discuss all the details with him and clarify what style and technique you prefer to be sure of the quality of the work.
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