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Significance of bald eagle encounters
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demacem (IV015424301)

Messages: 23

I’m seeking some opinions on what this could mean as far as a spiritual journey. Over the past two weeks I have encountered a bald eagle twice! This is the only time in my life I have seen one in the wild outside of a zoo. The first time I was driving for work and literally saw one standing on the side of the road. The second occurrence happened yesterday. During work I entered someone’s back yard and there it was. Standing right outside of their back fence by a pond was a beautiful bald eagle. As I got closer to get a better look it flew off.

What crazy is that I live in a large metro area in Florida, I’d always heard they were in the area but to have two close encounters so close together it must be a sign?

Some excerpts from the webpage regarding this experience:

“What does an eagle symbolize for us? It symbolizes rebirth, dawn, spring’s direction, and renewed life for us.

The eagle significance is particularly characteristic of new beginnings, resilience, and stamina for those who have been experiencing difficult passages in life.”

“What does the eagle symbolize in the Native American culture? The golden eagle and the bald eagle meaning are of sacredness meanings. Since we know the eagles fly the highest, the Native Americans believe that they are the closest creatures to the Creator.”

“The psalmist, too, used the eagle characteristics when speaking of the attributes of God. Refer to Psalm 103, where he says, ‘who satisfies your desires with good so that your youth renews the eagle’s.” What does the eagle represent for Isaiah when he talks about God?

He finds God’s strength able to renew people and give them the strength to fly higher as the eagle mounted on its wings. He depicts how God can take even the weariest and downtrodden to heights and prosperity unimagined.”
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