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What's the difference between TransUnion and Equifax?
Forum Index » Trading & Operations (CSMP)
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Peleran (IV08453601)

Messages: 52

Which is more accurate, Equifax or TransUnion?
Anisa (IV09263701)

Messages: 52

Usually a significant score difference between any of the credit reporting agencies is a result of one of them having different information from the other two.

You could go to a site like credit karma and look at what each agency knows about you and compare accounts, negative issues and any other differences.

Also, you can dispute anything you don't think belongs, and write a letter explaining your position about a negative issue. That explanation will be available for people looking at your credit.

Calt75 (IV015597701)

Messages: 9

TransUnion and Equifax (find equifax canada contact here) are both major credit reporting agencies, but they have some differences. While both collect and maintain credit information, they may have slightly different data due to variations in how creditors report to them. Additionally, their credit scoring models may differ, leading to potential variations in credit scores. It's important to monitor your credit reports from both agencies regularly to ensure accuracy and identify any discrepancies.
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