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IT Automation Platforms - Freedom to Manage
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HowardAllison (IV015212101)

Messages: 4

Feeling overwhelmed with all the manual tasks in my new IT admin role. Is there any software out there that can help automate some of this stuff? I've heard of things like IT service management (ITSM) platforms, but there are so many options I don't even know where to begin! Any recommendations for platforms that are user-friendly for beginners?
HowardAllison (IV015212101)

Messages: 4

I'll be glad to hear any recommendations!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 26/05/2024 20:03:14

WalterChang (IV015204801)

Messages: 3

Welcome to the wonderful world of IT automation! It really is a lifesaver when it comes to optimizing your workload. You are right, there are many ITSM platforms on the market, but some are definitely more beginner-friendly than others. One platform I've had great experience with is alloysoftware (https://www.alloysoftware.com/). They offer a really user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create automation systems even if you're not a programming genius. They have tons of out-of-the-box workflows for common tasks like user training, resetting passwords, and patching, which is a huge time saver. They also offer a free trial so you can test it out before committing.
ChristopherSims (IV015211701)

Messages: 4

Thank you for the recommendation. It's great to hear that AlloySoftware offers a user-friendly interface and out-of-the-box workflows for common tasks. I'll look into their free trial to see if it fits my needs.
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