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Forum Index » Equity Market (IPOs, Fundamental & Technical Analysis)
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Pomella Riggs (IV014955801)

Messages: 3

Greetings everyone! I just love reading books and textbooks, but every time I lose tons of time trying to find a good site to buy them. I probably spend more time searching than reading itself! So I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find the books I need quickly and conveniently?
Caroline (IV014468501)

Messages: 3

Hi, I understand you, it's so important to have a reliable and convenient source for buying books. I too just love reading and used to face this problem. But lo and behold, recently I came across a great online bookstore - https://booksrun.com/. It is just a salvation for me! Here you can find not only books at affordable prices, but also use the rental service if you need to temporarily borrow some textbook or buy a used one. Also, what's especially nice is free shipping and great customer service. So I'm sure this site will be your reliable assistant in the world of books!
Audriana (IV014956101)

Messages: 3

Hi. Thank you so much for the recommendation! I've been facing this problem for a while now and have spent a lot of time searching for the right bookstore. But it looks like this site is really perfect for my needs. I will definitely check out BooksRun and look for the books I need there. The free shipping and rental service sounds like a dream! Thanks again for the advice!
Forum Index » Equity Market (IPOs, Fundamental & Technical Analysis)
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