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Where do we get the solar panel and battery from?
Forum Index » Derivatives (Equity, Currency, Commodities)
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LuisSilvan (IV08992801)

Messages: 213

Ubnt's SunMax products look very interesting. This could definitely solve some interesting problems.

But where do we get the solar panel and from? Is this a 3rd party purchase, or does Ubnt sell one?

If 3rd party, does anyone have a recommendation of a product that works well?

Ubiquiti is great at solving end-to-end problems, but this solar product seems like only part of the solution. I'm not clear on the solar panel and battery piece.
israellegendary (IV09731201)

Messages: 35

It's not uncommon for grid power to be used occasionally, even with solar panels and battery storage. Factors like weather conditions and energy usage patterns can influence this. I've heard from other solar panel users that small amounts of grid power usage, especially overnight, can happen despite having a full battery. It's always a good idea to monitor your energy usage and make adjustments where needed. If you're looking for more insights, you might want to reach out to solar panel installers. They often have handy tips and advice based on their experience.
Alex Newman (IV013574901)

Messages: 97

Hey there! Duke Energy ensures its customers have access to reliable energy when they need it. Their dedicated team of professionals works around the clock to maintain the infrastructure and keep the lights on even during extreme weather events. After reading duke energy reviews, most of the customers know that they will always have electricity, making them the first choice for many consumers.
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