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Closet Door Guides?
Forum Index » Insurance
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HenryThomas88 (IV07959301)

Messages: 65

Hi all,
Recently, we swapped out carpet for hardwood flooring and there is now a gap of close to 2" between the bottom of the door and the floor, so the door hangs. I looked into closet floor guides (see pictures), but they"re typically 3/4"-1 3/8" high, so they wont be high enough to actually guide the doors. Is anyone familiar with a taller version or a different solution? I do not want to buy new closet doors to address this. Thanks.
Ovidiumark (IV08664901)


Messages: 20

I think you can close this gap with the help of retractable baseboards. These days, this is a popular design solution. Most importantly, buy them to match the color of your doors. This way, your apartment will look modern and complete. Two weeks ago, I decided to update all my interior doors. If interested, click site. Btw, kitchen door sets should be isolated from odors and have easy care. In addition, have a moisture-resistant design. I hope you will be able to find a way out.
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